Maintaining a blog is a bit like fucking a corpse. It's fun but it gets lonely sometimes. Google Analytics tells me hundreds of people around the world are reading these posts and yet...so very few leave comments (a notable exception being Professor Holocausto who corrects my grammar). LEAVE SOME FUCKING COMMENTS! On that note, let's roll up our proverbial sleeves and get busy with the latest installment of Gross Anatomy! This time we'll take a look at a shirt design I created for Sacrilege BC to commemorate the re-issue of their raging 1986 debut LP Party With God, one of my favorite gems from the crossover era! I'm not sure if this shirt will be made widely available but the process was a blast. Pun intended. Boom!

My prime directive was simple: pick a song and draw something. I chose 'Fun With Napalm' for its totally infectious chorus and great war imagery. Note the baby impaled on the bayonette. Mostly I just wanted to draw a melting soldier.

Grenades? Bullets? Born To Melt? Bathory reference? Most of these agonizing decisions were worked out at the scribble stage.

I curbed my enthusiasm for detail a bit and worked big and bold. It also dawned on me at some point that the helmet should contain a Sacrilege BC reference: BORN OF HELL (another great song)!

Here's a raw scan of the finished drawing. I kept the line work clean with a Black Sharpie and Micron 03 and I jazzed up the letters a bit because, after all, we're having fun with napalm! you'll obviously attract the opposite sex in droves when you wear this to your next crucial barbecue. Who doesn't like the smell of napalm in the morning? As I mentioned, I'm not entirely sure if this shirt will be made available for order but check NOVEMBER FIRE for updates. While you're there be sure to check out all their killer Halloween shirts! Ok, I'm off to the pumpkin patch!
Until next time...DUCK AND COVER!
Looks cool...
and smells like...victory.
Hi Dennis! Here, a follower of your blog from Spain.
I love the sketches of faces. The end result is great!
I'm FAMOUS! HA HA HA! In all seriousness, though, I LOVE to see the progression from the very first rough sketch to the final specimen. I love to see what ideas were tried but never made it through 'til the end.
I read Weird War Tales when I was a kid, too.
You are amazing
love the art you did for the lucifer rising suite as well as the essay about meeting Mr. BeauSoleil. Thanks for all your awesome work putting that together. I really wish there was a way to get a copy of your now sold out zine!
Free Bobby B!
While I am really digging the finished product, it's always sad to lose a baby on a bayonette.
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